Welcome to our consulting company Teczene
(Sat - Thursday)

Buddy Jane


Look how wonderful work we have done!

At Buddy Jane, you can explore cannabis freely without big tech censorship.
Immerse yourself in today’s cannabis movement and stay current with the latest industry trends, breaking
news, local events and culture.

Mobile app Development

Buddy Jane, for the cannabis community and industry, is where you can unleash your creativity without the risk of being flagged or deleted. A fully immersive, no judgement community, where cannabis is not only welcome… it’s thriving.

No matter how big or small your business or brand is, no matter what you’re creating or selling, find your audience and cultivate your influence on Buddy Jane.

Buddy Jane has created the first Social Token for our community to earn Buddy Bucks and gain access to exclusive content, earn discounts, send friends Buddy Bucks, and reward influencers with tips for content and livestreams. Capture your moments and monetize your influence with NFTs. Coming soon!

  • Mobile app development
  • Buddy Jane
  • 24/11/2017
  • https://www.buddyjane.com/

Working Process


Planning to delivery we determine the Goal, and define Brand to locate the target audience. Analyzing your Competitors.


It encompasses several different aspects, including webpage layout, content production, and graphic design.


Developing from web apps to mobile apps, cloud-based or cross-platform desktop solutions.


Ensuring appropriate testing for all the web and mobile based system before going live, We address required issues before the system is live for public.


Once your system is ready, we create required marketing aspects to attack your potential leads, understanding your competitors and your business goal.

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