Look how wonderful work we have done!
A persistently faced problem is ensuring that our medical information and advance care directives are available when needed.
Mind Your Loved Ones
MYLO makes storage, retrieval and and sharing convenient. Data entry is fast and easy – MYLO makes use of drop-down menus, photos, document uploads, verbal and text entry.
The idea behind MYLO is very simple – to ensure that vital information affecting critical healthcare decisions making is accessible when it is needed most.
MYLO – Mind Your Loved Ones is a mobile App that gives individuals the ability to store their own and their loved ones’ critical medical information, healthcare directives, and other related data on their Apple or Android phones, iPads or tablets. User can send this information directly to healthcare providers or to their family members and trusted friends. Information can be sent via email, fax, text, or print.
- Mobile App and Web Development
- Mylo App
- https://www.mindyour-lovedones.com/